What A Busy Week!

Monday, March 2, 2015

I've said it before and I'll say it again...
Planning a wedding
Working out
Dance Lessons
Last minute Details 
Upcoming projects I'm working on 
Personal time (ha, what is that?)
My life be CRAY CRAY right now! 

Thank god for my wedding planner because I can't even imagine what these last 30 days would be like without her! 
I've told y'all, I don't like to do "recap" posts because I feel like they're just blah on a page. I like to do posts that are planned and cohesive. However, the weather and the wedding have held me hostage the last couple of weeks and I can't get around to shooting specific posts for you guys! I'm also VERY particular in what I post. As much as I would love to share everything I do with you guys, I have to have some privacy in my life. With that being said, I still love sharing some personal stuff and I plan on doing that every now and then with y'all! 
I love sharing wedding stuff and some of my mushy side with y'all, but if I'm being real- my favorite posts are fashion, beauty, and travel related. 

Anyway, enough with all of that! Lets get into a couple of things I did this past week. Again, I promise to not do as many "recap" posts after the wedding is over... It's just all I have time for lately! 

Our 5 Year Anniversary! 
Y'all, my person is amazing. 
We went to dinner at The Roaring Fork , which is where TC asked me to be his "Girlfriend" officially after months of dating. 
We eat here often, but on this night everything just seemed exceptionally perfect. 

Date Night (because we totally deserve it twice in one week)
We went to North for Spaghetti. We also live for their Zucca Chips. 
How lucky am I to have such a sweet man? Ugh, he is so handsome! 

We we're "iced in" on Saturday
Tejas can be such a Drama Queen when it's cold. It "iced" and various roads around town we're closed on Saturday, so we took this time to just relax and get a couple of wedding things knocked out! 
I wake up early every morning y'all, I'm not a "morning"person but I'm definitely an early riser! 
One of my favorite things to do is make TC breakfast on the weekend, so that's exactly what I did. 
Can we just take a second to praise Erica Catter for this amazing SNL Gilly mug. Easily my favorite mug of all time. 

Wedding Party Get Together
We are all friends, so it felt like we were all just hanging out, but it was great to have all of our friends in one spot all together! We decided to get together at Main Event, we bowled for a couple of hours and then played laser tag. Oh mama was this a great idea! We had a blast, I would say drunken laser tag was the most fun!
We were missing some of our party, my best friend Karli and Sister live out of town. 
We missed y'all!
I didn't get a group picture, rookie mistake... but I'm sure there will be plenty of those to come!

I hope y'all had a great weekend and start to your Monday!
Big Monday Hugs,

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